Deutsche Bank - Too Big To Fail Version 2.0 In Europe?

Deutsche Bank
Current Price: 16,73$
Too Big To Fail Candidate
No Current Investments (No Trades Open For Deutsche Bank)

Earnings Show No Recovery Yet

Deutsche Bank had 0,40€ earnings / share the last two quarters. You can see the overall picture of the stock price and earnings per share in the following link:


Soon Deutsche Bank Could Become Too Big To Fail Version 2.0 In Europe

From the picture above you can clearly see that Deutsche Bank is not in recovery mode yet. However they are not deep enough in the crisis so that Angela Merkel decides a "Too Big To Fail" program for Deutsche Bank. Therefore my advice is to put Deutsche Bank on a watchlist and watch the stock price going lower or stay flat at current price levels.


The too big to fail principle is increasingly interesting for investors as you are basically investing in a stock at crisis price levels (panic mode) with a safety net by the state. The last too big to fail investment i decided to purchase stocks was Bank of America and that trade became highly profitable with enough patience.

Current Involvement Into Greek Dept Crisis

Deutsche Bank made already financial write-offs of Greek Bonds. However I currently don't know how much open capital is still invested in Greek Bonds. That question needs to be answered with further analyses before any investment decision can be taken on Deutsche Bank.



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