Inflation in Austria at 2,6%

I calculated if my current asset allocation with 43% cash at 0% performance covers the inflation and it does with 2,9% performance at a yearly inflation of 2,6%. However if EUR / USD prices go back to 1,09 then my stocks investment in the US would be at a yearly performance of 21,4% or 12,2% on total capital.

Current Yearly EUR Inflation: 2,6%
Current Performance On Total Capital Without New CFD - Goals:
57% Stocks at 5,1% performance in EUR, 21,4% performance in USD
43% Cash at 0% Performance
EUR Performance Without CFD Speculations: 2,9%

You can see an overview of yearly inflations of Litauen, Estland, Lettland, Austria, Spain, Germany, EU, Italy and Greece on the following web page:

The EZB Target Of 2%+ Inflation And Negative Interest Rates

We currently have low to negative interest rates for credit in the EU. As long as the 2% inflation goal is not reached in the EU the EZB will keep interest rate at low to negative rates.

There are only bad options available that lead to recession to deal with the dept of countries like Greece.


However negative interest rates are no option forever too.


Only Options For The Next Crisis

From this point of view the crisis seems to be delayed by cheap credit money which overheats stock markets and real estate markets at the moment. The question is not if but just when this crisis will occur again and the current credit financed bubble will blow up. However this is a good reason not to be invested with 100% of your capital into stocks at the moment.


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